Ultrascape Flowpoint Smooth Charcoal is a fine grain, flowable slurry grout for pointing joints in patios and all types of paving slabs. It’s perfect for use with all types of concrete slabs and natural stone, particularly porcelain where a finer finish and narrower joint is usually required – Flowpoint will grout from 3mm joints! Flowpoint Smooth complies with BS 7533, and has a long life time – of up to 40yrs!!
Flowpoint Smooth pointing grout mixes quickly with water, is really easy to use and has an initial set time of just 15 minutes. It also stops weeds and can be used in light rain!
The number of bags of Flowpoint Smooth you’ll need depends on the area in square metres of your patio, the width & length of your slabs, & the width and depth of your joints.
As a general rule, for porcelain tiles 600mm x 900mm; with joints 5mm x 20mm you’ll use one bag of Flowpoint per 30m2.
For a mixed pack of sandstone slabs you’ll need approximately one bag per 12-20m2, granite setts use more Flowpoint due to their size and depth – you’ll need one bag per 1.5-2m2. For an accurate calculation, please refer to our calculator below.
Available in 2 colours